Google Trends: Covid-19 Vaccinations

Morgan Foster
2 min readMar 4, 2021


Covid-19 VS. Covid-19 Vaccine

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The graphic above displays the effects that Covid-19 vaccinations has on the covid outbreak. Since the start of outbreak The U.S. Department of health and human services had begun to expedite the process of developing a promising immunization that they could begin distributing in the coming months. In this graphic we can see the impact it has had on the number of cases confirmed. Nov 29- dec 5 of 2020 is when we see a surge in it’s distribution and a steady decline in the number of cases for covid-19. At this time only essential workers who would be coming into direct contact with others were eligible for the vaccination but it has since expanded to the general population.

Google Trends: Unemployment rates amid Covid-19

Unemployment benefits VS. Covid-19

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The graphic above displays the unemployment rates amid the coronavirus pandemic. Since the start of the outbreak, the government began mandating safety procedures in order to decrease the number of confirmed cases. One of the mandates being a stay-at-home order in which jobs that were not essential businesses, such as those that can conduct contactless delivery or can fulfill job requirements from the safety of their homes, were to work remotely. Because of this many were out of work and over 40 million Americans filed for unemployment. In this graphic we can see that prior to the pandemic unemployment rates were fairly low, but spiked in the following months as more Americans worked under the mandate.



Morgan Foster

Undergraduate student at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Psychology major with a minor in Communications.