NFL Player Salaries

Morgan Foster
Mar 2, 2021


Source: ProFootball Reference • Graphic/Morgan Foster

Take a look at this graphic displaying NFL Player Salaries for the 2020 Football season. This data set includes income from the top 10 players from various teams. The player ranking no. 1 is Dak Prescott with $31,409,000 and the lowest ranking player is Leonard Williams at $16,126,000. Although from different sports teams, one thing to notice is that their income is based off of the positions they play. From what can be seen Quarterbacks get paid the most seeing as they hold a very important position in the field compared to other positions. The top 5 placeholders, apart from Trent Brown who is an offensive tackle player, are all quarterbacks.



Morgan Foster

Undergraduate student at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Psychology major with a minor in Communications.